Thursday, October 03, 2013

Minnesota National Guard launches Pink Tank Project to build breast cancer awareness

By Maj. Kristen L. Augé
Minnesota National Guard
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ST. PAUL, Minn. (10/3/13) - To build breast cancer awareness for all women, the Minnesota National Guard launched the Pink Tank Project on Tuesday for National Breast Cancer Awareness Month.
"Improving wellness in our service members aligns with our priorities and the Pink Tank Project assists in keeping us a competent and ready force," said Army Maj. Gen. Richard C. Nash, Minnesota National Guard's Adjutant General.

"This project is to build breast cancer awareness for all women whether they wear the uniform or not," said Army Maj. Kristen L. Augé, Minnesota National Guard's deputy director of public affairs. "The Pink Tank Project is a promise - a promise to yourself to conduct monthly self-breast exams and have mammograms as recommended by your health care provider."

"Three women with ties to the Minnesota National Guard and whose lives have been forever changed by breast cancer are featured in this project," said Augé. "Throughout the month, their stories and a special breast cancer awareness video will launch on the Minnesota National Guard's Pink Tank Project webpage."

"We are inviting people to join the Pink Tank Project by liking us on Facebook," said Army Sgt. Cassie Mecuk, a soldier in the Minnesota National Guard who is battling breast cancer for the third time. "By joining our Facebook site, you will receive monthly reminders to conduct your self-breast exams."
"Why a tank? Like a tank, we are strong, but not invincible," Mecuk said.

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