Friday, September 27, 2013

Kadena bone marrow drive draws 900 new potential donors

by Senior Airman Marcus Morris
18th Wing Public Affairs

9/27/2013 - KADENA AIR BASE, Japan -- Team Kadena registered more than 900 potential bone marrow donors to help retired Chief Master Sgt. Kim Jochem and other individuals.

More than 20 squadrons and community organizations, like Airmen Committed to Excellence, volunteered 277 hours at nine registration sites during the seven-day campaign Aug. 20-26.

Jochem reached out to Master Sgt. Geoff Robertson, Kadena's career assistance advisor, to grab the attention of the retired chief's fellow service members and help her find a donor who can ultimately save her life.

Senior Airman Taniah Otis, 18th Medical Support Squadron laboratory technician, said the chief has been waiting at least a year for a donor since four potential donors declined the opportunity to give bone marrow to her, and she is in desperate need a donor.

"This drive is for the Department of Defense bone marrow program and, not only are donors helping friends and co-workers, they are helping past leaders who have led the way for us," Otis said. "The DOD gets first pick of any donors registered with the program and then the names go on to the national bone marrow program."

Eligible donors have to be ages 18-44 years old, meet general health requirements, fill out a consent form and be under the Status of Forces Agreement.

"The drive may be over, but people can register for bone marrow donation at the 18th Medical Group at any time," said Tech. Sgt. Johnathan Robinson, 18th MDSS NCO in charge of acquisition management. "We made five matches on the island last year and it feels good to give back to the community."

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