Thursday, September 19, 2013

Hagel Reaffirms Department’s Commitment to Personnel Security

American Forces Press Service

WASHINGTON, Sept. 19, 2013 – Acknowledging that “something broke down” to permit a gunman to kill 12 people Sept. 16 at the Washington Navy Yard, Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel yesterday reaffirmed the Defense Department’s commitment to providing for its people’s safety.

In an interview with Judy Woodruff on “PBS Newshour,” Hagel said the highest responsibility of leaders is to protect their people.

Earlier, Hagel announced that internal and external review panels will investigate the Navy Yard incident and will make recommendations on how to close gaps, address inadequacies and correct failures in security. He noted to Woodruff that this has been an ongoing process since the November 2009 mass shooting at Fort Hood, Texas, as the Defense Department to date has implemented about 65 of 79 recommendations that emerged from that investigation.

“Whether it's the access to bases, whether it's the physical safety and security of bases, whether it's the credentialing process, much, much has been done,” he said. “Obviously, we need to do more, and we will.”

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