Monday, September 16, 2013

AETC kicks off CFC for 2013

by Capt. Ashley Walker
Air Education and Training Command Public Affairs

9/16/2013 - JOINT BASE SAN ANTONIO RANDOLPH, Texas  -- The nation-wide Combined Federal Campaign began Sept. 1 and will run until Dec. 15.

The CFC is one of the largest and most successful annual charities held in today's federal workplace. The campaign raises millions of dollars for more than 2,700 agencies that all go through a rigorous review process each year to be listed in the CFC brochure.

"The CFC gives federal and military employees an opportunity to get involved in national charities and our local communities by donating to various worthwhile charities and causes," said Dwyer Stringer, Air Education and Training Command CFC loaned executive.

Donating is as easy as setting up an allotment or writing a check; and there is no donation limit.

"During the last campaign, CFC collected more than $258 million. Last year AETC contributed $396,946," said Lt. Col. Freddie Jenkins, project officer for AETC Headquarters 2013 CFC campaign. "The anticipated target for AETC Headquarters is $401,821. We hope to reach the contribution target within the first five weeks of the CFC campaign."

"The Air Force as a whole is a giving organization," said Stringer. "We do many charitable acts as individuals, units and as a service. CFC is just one easy way to continue to give."

Each base will have different active drive times within the span of the campaign, so Airmen should check with their local representatives for details.

Each unit's local representatives are tasked to make contact with all personnel in their work centers to talk about CFC. The representatives answer questions and help facilitate donations. Local representatives can provide potential donors with a list of approved CFC charities. Find your local CFC representative to start making a difference

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