Saturday, May 04, 2013

Financial Wingmanship

by Senior Airman Camilla Griffin
355th Fighter Wing Public Affairs

5/1/2013 - DAVIS-MONTHAN AIR FORCE BASE, ARIZ.,  -- Members of the Desert Lightning Team have until May 17 to contribute to the Air Force Assistance Fund. The deadline has been extended to allow for more contributions.

AFAF supports four charities whose benefits are available only to those in the Air Force family - the Air Force Aid Society, Air Force Village, Air Force Enlisted Village and the Gen. and Mrs. Curtis E. LeMay Foundation.

"This program is very important, because if there is an Airman in need of financial aid, the funds are already there to assist them," said Senior Airman Danielle McLucas, 355 Comptroller Squadron financial analyst. "It isn't a matter of trying to gather money last minute."

AFAF is an Air Force-wide program, but every base is issued a certain amount of the funds raised each year. The amount raise by the Desert Lightening Team does not affect the funds the base receives, McLucas explained.

"For example, last year we raised about $141,000 and we were allotted over $200,000," McLucas said.

As of right now, DLT members have raised $68,000. The base wide goal is $123,000.

Those interested in contributing to the AFAF should contact their squadron
representative for more information.

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