Monday, May 20, 2013

DOD Honors Installations for Excellence With Presidential Award

American Forces Press Service

WASHINGTON, May 20, 2013 – Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel today announced the 2013 recipients of the Commander in Chief's Annual Award for Installation Excellence.

The award recognizes the outstanding and innovative efforts of the people who operate and maintain U.S. military installations, Pentagon officials said, and the five recipients were selected for their exemplary support of Defense Department missions.

The five installations are:
-- U.S. Army Garrison Fort Rucker, Ala.;
-- Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center Twentynine Palms, Calif.;
-- Naval Support Activity Panama City, Panama City Beach, Fla.;
-- Keesler Air Force Base, Biloxi, Miss.; and
-- Defense Logistics Agency Land and Maritime, Columbus, Ohio.

Installation excellence enables better mission performance and enhances the quality of life for service members and their families, officials said in a statement announcing the selections. Each winning installation succeeded in providing excellent working, housing and recreational conditions, officials added.

Each winning installation will still receive a commemorative commander in chief's award trophy and flag, along with a congratulatory letter from the president.

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