Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Purple, the color of sacrifice

by Chandra Brown
Air Force Reserve Command Public Affairs Office

4/17/2013 - Robins Air Force Base, Ga.  -- Schools throughout Houston County, Ga., joined a nationwide movement to "Purple Up" on April 15.

Matt Arthur Elementary School students, faculty and staff were one of many schools in the United States wearing purple to recognize April as the Month of the Military Child.

"The military is a very important part of Houston County, Kathleen and Matt Arthur Elementary," said Dr. Richard Rogers, Matt Arthur Elementary School principal. "The military families along with their kids bring experiences and values that help make our school special."

In April the armed forces celebrates the Month of the Military child. The month-long celebration thanks military children for their service and recognizes them for their strength, sacrifices, and the hardships they face.

"I love the Purple Up program for one reason; military kids did not choose this lifestyle," said Anne Johnson, mother of three boys and wife of Lt. Col. Craig Johnson, Programs Division chief, Air Force Reserve Command Installations and Mission Support Directorate.

"As adults my husband and I both chose to serve our country; our children are just along for the ride," said Anne, who served for 10-years in the Air Force. "I think they deserve every possible form of recognition for the years of making friends that they will have to say good-bye to, over and over again".

The eldest boy, 9-year-old Matthew, has lived in six states.

"I think my least favorite part about being a military child is that we have to move a lot and you don't get to see your friends," said Matthew Johnson.

Matthew and his two brothers currently attend Matt Arthur and, while traveling has been a learning experience, it's still hard to leave the place they call home.

Purple Up is just one way Matt Arthur shows their support to military families. The school also hosts a Big Knight, Little Knight program.

"This program is truly a gift to military children with a parent deployed, it pairs the students together, young and old, and gives the children a place to feel included, supported and loved," said Anne.

The transition for her boys has been smoother for the young ones, but like many military kids, the eldest son struggled the most. She said the older the child, the harder it can be to break into friendships that have already been established.

"We understand initially, the families are nervous about the transition here. So by walking them around and taking them through the classrooms, the parents have a sense of peace and it lets the kids know they will be okay, said Rogers. "We feel like we are their second home. This is a community-school. We love our Matt Arthur Knights and we want them to feel supported."

The event was developed by Operation Military Kids, an organization dedicated to military families. Purple is the color that symbolizes all branches of the military, as it is the combination of Army green, Coast Guard blue, Air Force blue, Marine red and Navy blue.

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