Friday, April 26, 2013

Face of Defense: Army Captain Mentors Young Scouts

By Army Spc. Jamie L. Philbrook
American Forces Press Service

FORT BRAGG, N.C., April 26, 2013 – Army Capt. John H. Green Jr., a medical operations and logistics officer with the 1st Theater Sustainment Command here, volunteers his spare time mentoring youth in Venturing.

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Army Capt. John H. Green Jr., a medical operations and logistics officer with the 1st Theater Sustainment Command at Fort Bragg, N.C., and Venturing Scouts take a break during their class on boating safety during their Sea Scout Weekend in Portsmouth, Va., April 20, 2013. U.S. Army photo by Sgt. 1st Class Jessika Greendeer

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Venturing is a Boy Scouts of America youth development program for young men and women, according to the organization’s website.
Green said he has same passion today for Scouting as he did when he was a youth in the Boy Scouts.

“It’s the fun of Scouting and watching the youth have fun that keeps me in,” Green said. “I get to have just as much fun as an adult as when I was a kid.”

Green said he worked with the Iraqi Boy Scout Program when he was deployed to Iraq in 2008. He designed various collectable patches, he said, which he sold to anyone who would support the cause.

Proceeds from the patch sales were donated to help fund the Iraqi Boy Scouts program, Green said.

Green said he’ll continue to support Scouting in the Fayetteville area while he is stationed in North Carolina. He said he recently accompanied 25 Scouts from Troop 44 to Portsmouth, Va., to participate in the annual Sea Scout Weekend, which provided the Scouts an opportunity to earn their Sea Scout badge.

The Scouts learned various nautical skills -- from water safety to engine repair -- then put themselves to the test while boating on the Chesapeake Bay.

Scouting is a world-wide organization, said Green, who noted he wants to bring the advantages of Scouting to everyone who is interested.

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