by Samuel King Jr
Eglin Air Force Base Public Affairs
4/3/2013 - EGLIN AIR FORCE BASE, Fla. (AFNS) -- The
40th Flight Test Squadron completed another first in February when an
A-10 Thunderbolt II fired a guided rocket that impacted only inches away
from its intended target.
The 2.75 diameter, 35-pound, laser-guided rocket is known as the
fixed-wing Advanced Precision Kill Weapon System II. Before the
Thunderbolt test, the rocket had proved effective in Afghanistan combat
operations when fired from Marine helicopters.
"Rockets are a staple close-air support weapon, but their weakness has
always been their poor accuracy when shot at range," said Maj. Travis
Burton, the 40th FTS A-10 pilot who performed the APKWS tests. "In
improving rocket accuracy by several orders of magnitude, the APKWS
makes the rocket a better weapon for today's low intensity conflicts,
where minimizing collateral damage is a top priority."
The test squadron performed three sorties to demonstrate the capability
and ensure the rocket could be fired safely from a fixed wing aircraft -
a test that had never been accomplished before.
The first sortie tested whether aircraft flight would be impacted by
carrying the rocket and launcher. During the second sortie, the A-10
fired an unguided inert rocket to ensure the weapon would separate from
the aircraft without any issues. For the final sortie, two armed, guided
rockets were fired at a surface target at altitudes of 10,000 and
15,000 feet. The last APKWS shot was fired into a 70-knot headwind and
impacted the target within the two-meter requirement specifications.
"The 70-knot headwind didn't allow us to accomplish the second guided
shot using the planned delivery parameters, so the test team (myself,
the chase pilot, the controllers and engineers) worked real-time to
adjust those parameters in a manner that would still accomplish the test
objective," Burton said. "In any scenario other than test, we would
have adjusted the run-in direction to change the headwind to tailwind,
or a crosswind."
Both shots were considered successful, but the accuracy of the APKWS
made a real impression on the project manager, Joe Stromsness.
"We watched real-time video of the test at the central control facility
when the rocket hit within inches of the laser spot," he said. "Everyone
was ecstatic and high-fived each other. Many hours of work from the
Navy, Air Force and the BAE contractor team went into the success of
this test. This was a major milestone in moving forward to the next
phase. "
With the developmental test stage completed, the project will move to
operational testing at China Lake Test Range, Calif., with the Air
National Guard, Air Force Reserve Command Test Center. In May, Air Force
pilots will fire 22 APKWSs from the A-10 and F-16 Fighting Falcon at
both moving and stationary targets.
With another positive outcome in May, Stromsness sees huge potential for the APKWS.
"This is a lighter weapon with a smaller warhead that can potentially
minimize collateral damage," he said. "We've added precision guidance;
and based on our tests, we're within inches of the intended target. We
don't have a precision weapon out there now that can do that."
According to BAE Systems, the weapon's manufacturer, the APKWS is
one-third the weight and cost of other precision rockets in the DOD
inventory. The aircraft could potentially transport seven rockets per
launcher and carry two launchers due to the APKWS's relatively small
size and weight.
Burton agrees with Stromsness about APKWS's potential benefit to the warfighter.
"By improving rocket accuracy, the APKWS II gives the pilot the
capability to achieve the desired weapons effect with a single rocket,"
Burton said. "Not only does this increase the lethality of any aircraft
carrying rockets on a given day, it also allows the aircraft to do so at
a greater range. This keeps the aircraft farther away from the
surface-to-air threats typically found in a target area."
Moving the APKWS to a fixed-wing aircraft began as an urgent operational
need project for the Navy and Air Force in 2009. The tasking, called a
joint concept technology demonstration, was to take the rotary-wing
version of the rocket and modify it for fast-moving aircraft. The goal
for the Air Force was to demonstrate it on the A-10 and the F-16 if
possible, according to Stromsness. The Navy would test it on the AV-8B
Harrier II and F/A-18 Hornet.
Eglin AFB's 96th Seek Eagle office worked with the APKWS team to obtain
flight clearance for both aircraft so the developmental testing could
An initial hurdle Stromsness and the test team discovered was the
guidance section added 18 inches to the rocket. This addition caused it
to be too long for the standard LAU-131 launcher. The Navy already had a
modified launcher to fit the increased length of the rocket, so
Stromsness brought those in to perform the tests.
"The great thing about the modified launchers is they can fire the
guided and unguided rockets with no problems," Stromsness said. "If this
project moves forward and becomes operational, the better modified
launchers will replace the legacy ones on an attrition basis."
More Air Force testing and assessment will take place throughout 2013.
The Navy is just behind the Air Force, successfully firing two APKWSs
from an AV-8B, March 27. Once testing is complete, U.S. Central Command
will submit a final report and endorsement to the Air Force and Navy
program offices. According to Stromsness, if all goes smoothly, the
APKWS could be ready for operational use by 2015.
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