by By Dan Heaton
127th Wing Public Affairs
couple of words keep being repeated as two Michigan Air National Guard
Airmen work around a parachute table in a long, narrow back room of the
new fighter squadron building at Selfridge Air National Guard Base:
every, eyes and detail .
They show up in phrases like "every detail must be perfect," "two sets
of eyes on everything," and "we put eyes on every detail."
Parachutes represent the last line of defense if everything else on an aircraft has gone wrong.
"It is the very last thing that can save a pilot's life," said Master
Sgt. Ed Stone, an aircrew flight equipment specialist with the 127th
Operations Support Flight, which supports the A-10 Thunderbolt II at
Selfridge. "Every piece of the parachute has to function properly.
That's why you need multiple eyes looking at it."
As he says that, Stone finishes putting a stitch in a piece of parachute
cord on the 40-foot long table and somewhat dramatically throws an
excess piece of cord on the floor.
"If I throw it on the floor, I know it is not on the table, where it can get caught up in my parachute," Stone said.
This is the ACES (advanced concept ejection seat) II C-9 Canopy
parachute. As the name implies, it works in conjunction with the ACES II
seat, which is used on all high-performance Air Force fighter aircraft,
including the A-10s stationed at Selfridge. The main C-9 parachute is
actually part of a series of 4 parachutes which could deploy in a
bail-out situation. The ACES II seat is equipped with several pitot
tubes which, when the ejection process is initiated, determine the air
speed and altitude of the aircraft and determine which of three modes to
operate in, known simply as Modes 1, 2 and 3.
A small parachute, known as the drogue chute, deploys first, launched by
a very small explosive charge. The drogue chute then pulls out the main
parachute. Drogue and main chutes exist for both the pilot and the
ejection seat itself. How long the pilot remains attached to the seat
after ejection and the time between each parachute deploying depends on
the mode the system is operating in, due to speed and altitude.
No matter the mode, everything happens very quickly in the ejection
process. Depending on the mode, the main C-9 canopy, which opens to a
28-foot diameter, is fully deployed somewhere between 2.5 and 4 seconds
after the pilot first pulls the ejection handles.
While Stone and the other dozen or so Citizen-Airmen assigned to the
aircrew flight equipment shop take care of the parachutes, maintaining
the seat and the related explosive charges which rocket it out of a
disabled aircraft is the responsibility of group of Airmen in the 127th
Aircraft Maintenance Squadron. In addition to working on parachutes, the
aircrew flight equipment Airmen are responsible for maintaining pilot
helmets, oxygen masks, providing rescue gear and the training to use
that gear. Essentially, flight equipment Airmen ensure the pilot has all
he or she needs to be ready to fly a mission and return.
The parachute on the table today is among the first being inspected and
packed since the unit celebrated a ribbon-cutting ceremony in late
February on their new "Ops" Building, a $6.6 million reconstructed
building at Selfridge. Every parachute must be opened, inspected and
repaired, as needed, on an annual basis. Various parts of the parachute
assembly have different shelf lives and any parts that need replacement
are exchanged during the inspection process. The main canopy has a shelf
life of 13 years.
The nylon parachute has a multi-colored canopy, white, green, tan and
day-glo orange. The idea is that a downed pilot could use the
appropriate color to help camouflage him or herself in a snowy or other
environment in a hostile area, or use the orange to help signal rescuers
in a friendly area.
Typically, the parachute-packing process involves one Airman doing the
initial inspection and swapping out of any needed parts and a second
Airman who performs a series of IPIs, or in-process inspections, as the
work is being done. On this day, Stone is being assisted by Master Sgt.
Kathy Smith, who is relatively new to parachute packing. Technical Sgt.
Glenn Hardy is performing the IPIs, which involves him inspecting the
parachute and the work performed by Stone and Smith about a half-dozen
times at key junctures in the process.
"We help the pilots be at ease when they are up in the cockpit,
performing their mission," Smith said. "We take pride in our work and we
don't want the pilots to have to think even for a minute about their
parachute - unless they need it.
"Hopefully, they never need it, but the reality is, they might," she
said. "That's why we pack every parachute we do like it is the most
important one we'll ever do, because a life may depend on it."
The 127th OSF is a component of the 127th Wing. Comprised of
approximately 1,600 personnel and flying both the A-10 Thunderbolt II
and the KC-135 Stratotanker, the 127th Wing supports Air Mobility
Command, Air Combat Command and Air Force Special Operations Command by
providing highly-skilled Airmen to missions domestically and overseas.
The 127th Wing is the host unit at Selfridge Air National Guard Base,
which is also home to units of the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Coast
Guard, Border Patrol and Customs and Border Protection.
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