Saturday, March 23, 2013

D.C. National Guard celebrates Joint Prayer Breakfast

by Senior Airman Jennifer Hotte
113th Wing Public Affairs

3/20/2013 - JOINT BASE ANDREWS, Md. -- The Army and Air National Guard came together on Mar. 17 at the 113th Wing, Andrews Air Force Base, Md., for an annual prayer breakfast.

The District of Columbia's National Guard annual prayer breakfast is an event that allows Air and Army National Guard members to gather in prayer. This year the event featured guest keynote speaker Chaplain (Brig. Gen.) Alphonse Stephenson, Air National Guard Assistant to the Chief of Chaplains, United States Air Force at the Pentagon and the 257th Army Band District of Colombia Army National Guard and the Barack Dancing Ministry.

Chaplain Stephenson spoke to a crowd of more than 400 Airmen and Soldiers at the 113th Wing, on the importance of "Resilient Guard Families Supporting Mission Success." This sermon addressed how events throughout people's lives often influence where they wind up and where they belong. He discussed how his learning to play the piano in elementary school led to other events in his life that allowed him to find his love in God.

After playing a song on the piano he said, "It was graceful, it was elastic, it was resilient and one note led to the next. This is what we're about. Grace is the music of God."

Medical Technician Staff Sgt. Angel Holt attended the prayer breakfast and felt that "it was very inspirational. I enjoyed the guest speaker and thought his words were encouraging. I thought the band was awesome and [Chaplain] Capt. Cooper sounded amazing."

The service also featured prayers from several individuals focused on specific spiritual topics. The speakers and topics included, Chaplain Capt. Countess Cooper on our nation, Chaplain Candidate Edward Lartey on the military, Alicia Hinds Ward focusing on families, and Rhonda Lartey on children.

"The primary focus of the prayer breakfast was resiliency," said Chaplain (Lt. Col.) Myrtle Bowen. "We were striving to accentuate families that fuel us to meet our mission...we really wanted to emphasis where our support comes from."

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