Friday, January 04, 2013

2013 brings big surprise for new family

by Tech. Sgt. Marie Brown
35th Fighter Wing/Public Affairs

1/4/2013 - MISAWA AIR BASE, Japan -- A new year brings many good things. For one happy couple, the New Year delivered a new bundle of joy. On Jan 3, just three short days into the new year, Staff Sgt. Shangjung Chiu, 35th Maintenance Operations Squadron, production analyst, and his wife Christi-June, celebrated the birth of their first born at the 35th Medical Group's labor and delivery department.

The baby was due to arrive on Jan. 26, but the happy couple got the surprise they had been waiting months for approximately three weeks early. Evangeline Evelyn Chiu was born at 6:57 p.m. Thursday evening, weighing 5 pounds 1 ounce and measuring 19.3 inches long.

"I am really happy she is here, I was tired of waiting," said Christi-June. "So I am happy she was early."

When asked if they had any big plans for their new daughter in the future, the Chiu's just mentioned that they wanted her to be a winner.

"She was just born but already she is a winner," said Christi-June.

The Chiu family received gift baskets full of baby items that are essential for any newborn including a stuffed bear. The gift baskets were donated by the Misawa Commissary and base Exchange.

The new family will be heading home Jan. 5 where Evangeline will be introduced to her new room already decorated with Winnie the Pooh décor.

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