Monday, November 05, 2012

Water provided by NY Air National Guardsmen during Sandy relief efforts

by Senior Master Sgt. Ray Lloyd
107th Airlift Wing

11/3/2012 - FARMINGDALE, N.Y. -- The Air National Guard's 107th Airlift Wing in Niagara Falls got the call Friday to join efforts with the New York Army National Guard to assist residents in the hardest-hit areas of Queens in the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy.

Guardsmen from the New York Air National Guard responded at a moment's notice airlifting more than 30,000 bottles of water here just outside Queens.

"This is what is needed now for this area," said Major Roberto DeMarquez, New York Army National Guard. "My troops are helping out in Queens and fresh water is what is in short supply."

The 107th AW with the C-130 Hercules aircraft can move multiple types of cargo and fly into small airports. When the state needs the of help the National Guard, Airmen and Soldiers work together to help our fellow residents.

"This is my first humanitarian mission and I'm proud to do my part to help," said Senior Airman Shaun Pierce, a C-130 loadmaster for the 107th AW.

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