Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Niagara recruiters win double honors

by Master Sgt. Kevin Nichols
914th Airlift Wing Public Affairs

11/20/2012 - NIAGARA FALLS AIR RESERVE STATION, N.Y. -- The 914th Airlift Wing recruiting team came away double winners from the annual Air Force Reserve Command Recruiting awards banquet Oct. 25 in Savannah, Ga.

Master Sgt. Jake Miller, 914 AW line recruiter, was presented with the Northern Recruiting Squadron Commander's Emphasis Award for most accessions in the squadron for Fiscal Year 2012.

Though an impressive individual accomplishment, Master Sgt. Miller thanked his fellow wingmen for helping him achieve this award.

"I would not have been able to earn this award without the support from our great 914th members through the get1now referral program," said Miller.

Through the Get 1 Now program members of the wing can refer family and friends to the Air Force Reserve and in return may become eligible for prizes.

In addition to the individual award, as a group Team Niagara was presented the Superior Achievement Award from the command for achieving more than 110% of their assigned yearly recruiting goal.

"The Niagara recruiting team had a fantastic FY 12 shattering the Niagara accessions record of 166 with an incredible 184 gains," said Senior Master Sgt. Robert Denehy, 914 AW senior recruiter.

Team Niagara has even bigger plans for this year. "For FY 13 we are striving to again break the record and hit 185 accessions," said Denehy.

The Air Force Reserve as a command exceeded its target with 8,116 accessions for 101 percent of its 8,031 goal.

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