Wednesday, November 07, 2012

Air Force leaders issue Veterans Day message

11/7/2012 - WASHINGTON (AFNS) -- Secretary of the Air Force Michael Donley, Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. Mark A. Welsh III and Chief Master Sgt. of the Air Force James Roy send the following Veterans Day message to the Airmen of the U.S. Air Force:

"Our Air Force's success is founded in the sacrifice of generations who served before. This Veterans Day, we honor and thank more than 22 million American veterans, including four million veterans of the United States Air Force.

"Every veteran, past and present, has a story. Some served in wartime, others during moments of peace; many were volunteers, others were called; some served a matter of days, while others gave their life's work to the profession of arms. All deserve our deepest gratitude.

"The men and women of our Armed Forces fought for and some gave their lives to secure the freedoms we enjoy today. For their sacrifice in service to America, our Nation owes a debt of appreciation that can never be repaid. Our veterans' families also deserve our collective thanks -- their support makes the service of their loved ones possible, and their presence strengthens every man and woman in uniform.

"Standing on the shoulders of veterans past, today's Airmen -- YOU -- continue to reach beyond what was once thought possible to discover and employ innovative airpower solutions for America. Every day you answer the Nation's call, whether in the skies or combat theaters abroad, in space or cyberspace, on the ground delivering relief and hope to families in need, or here at home protecting America's airspace. Your continued commitment to defend and preserve the cause of freedom will ensure that future generations continue to enjoy the liberties we cherish today.

"For all you have given to America and to its great Air Force, and for your service yet to come, you have earned our Nation's thanks. On this Veterans Day, take time to thank those in your families, communities and workplaces who have served America and defended her ideals."

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