Friday, November 02, 2012

62nd AW Airmen deploy in response to Hurricane Sandy relief efforts

by Staff Sgt. Frances Kriss
62nd Airlift Wing

11/1/2012 - JOINT BASE LEWIS-MCCHORD, Wash. -- A C-17 Globemaster III departed early morning Nov. 1 in support of Hurricane Sandy response operations.

Along with aircraft and crews from 11 active duty, Air National Guard and Air Force Reserve bases across the nation, McChord Field Airmen are flying to March Air Reserve Base, Calif., to pick-up 10 passengers and 632 short tons of equipment and supplies supporting relief efforts on the East Coast.

"McChord Airmen are ready to answer our nation's call with the most capable combat airlift aircraft," said Col. Jeffrey Philippart, 62nd Airlift Wing vice commander. "Our C-17s and Airmen have the ability to deliver rapid global mobility, which enables us to respond quickly to disasters and provide aide in the wake of humanitarian crises. We're poised to respond."

The passengers and cargo, including 69 vehicles belonging to the Southern California Edison utility company, are slated to arrive at Stewart Air National Guard Base, Newburgh, N.Y. at around 2:30 p.m. Eastern Standard Time, after which they will move out to support efforts to restore power and provide humanitarian assistance to the stricken region.

Historically, McChord Field Airmen have been on the lead of many humanitarian efforts. Most recently, a McChord C-17 was the first heavy aircraft to provide aid in Operation Tomodachi, the Japanese tsunami relief efforts, by being airborne within 19 hours of notification. In addition, the 62nd AW propelled Operation Pacific Passage, repatriating 2,600 family members stationed at military bases throughout Japan to safe-haven locations in the U.S.

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