by Stephanie Ritter
AFGSC History Office
10/19/2012 - BARKSDALE AFB, La. -- The
year 1962 was a year full of noteworthy events; John Glenn orbited the
earth, South Africa jailed Nelson Mandela, Marilyn Monroe passed away
and Dr. No became the first in the series of James Bond movies. It was
also the year that the world's two largest superpowers clashed in a
nuclear standoff.
Twenty-twelve is the Year of the B-52, but this October is also the 50th
anniversary of the Cuban Missile Crisis. For 13 days the United States
and the Soviet Union stood, as Secretary of State Dean Rusk said,
"eyeball to eyeball," in a nuclear game of chicken. As we spend this
year highlighting the B-52, this October, let's also highlight Strategic
Air Command (SAC) and its contribution to preventing the Cuban Missile
Crisis from escalating.
Some people consider the Cuban Missile Crisis as the high point of the
Cold War. In the summer of 1962, the Soviet Union placed strategic
weapons in Cuba, weapons that could reach the U.S. in less than four
minutes. This elevated the U.S. security stance to DEFCON 2, an
unprecedented level.
In the years after the Soviet Union launched its first intercontinental
ballistic missile (ICBM), SAC sought alternatives to prevent an enemy
surprise attack. Gen. Thomas Power, then SAC commander, implemented the
airborne alert force as a solution. SAC experimented with airborne
alerts as early as 1958, but due to budget restrictions, it was not
until the Missile Crisis that these sorties became fully operational.
Pilots flew these nuclear laden airborne alerts, commonly known as
Chrome Dome missions, for 24 hours before another air crew assumed the
same flight route. Chrome Dome ensured that a percentage of SAC bombers
could survive an enemy surprise attack and that the U.S. could retaliate
against the Soviets. At the height of the air alerts, SAC produced 75
B-52 sorties a day.
SAC operated more than just B-52s. Tanker crews supported the Chrome
Dome missions by refueling the B-52s with its fleet of KC-135s. At the
height of Chrome Dome, SAC launched approximately 133 KC-135s a day.
Without the tanker crews, Chrome Dome would not have been possible.
In addition to the tankers, SAC also dispersed 183 B-47 bombers to both
military and non-military airfields, so in the event of an enemy attack,
the Soviets would be unable to destroy the total B-47 force.
Along with the Chrome Dome missions, SAC's responsibilities included
gathering electronic and photographic intelligence. Since March 1962,
the U.S. had been closely monitoring Cuba for evidence of offensive
operations. From the reconnaissance gathered during these missions,
intelligence officers identified enemy missile equipped patrol boats,
surface to air missile sites, short range cruise missile sites, and
fighter planes. One of the more important pieces of intelligence was the
conclusive evidence of Soviet nuclear missiles in Cuba. SAC provided
this information to President John Kennedy, who in turn, used it to make
sound decisions. This intelligence led to the U.S. naval quarantine of
Critical information gathered by the U-2, a reconnaissance aircraft,
assisted America's leadership, but it came at a price. On Oct. 27,
Soviet forces downed U-2 pilot Maj. Rudolf Anderson with a surface to
air missile as he flew over Cuba. This gave SAC the sad distinction of
having the only enemy induced casualty of the Cuban Missile Crisis.
Also, 11 other SAC personnel died in RB-47 crashes during takeoff, while
supporting of the information reconnaissance mission.
In addition to the flying missions, SAC's missileers also played a role
during the Crisis. As a form of deterrence, on Oct. 19, SAC placed 132
missiles on alert, and by Nov. 3, General Power ordered that number
increased to 186. This included Atlas, Titan I, and the Air Force's
newest missile, the Minuteman I. Because of the crisis, SAC wanted to
put every missile in the inventory on alert, which meant converting
missiles configured for training to operationally ready weapons. In
doing so, the missileers rapidly ran out of missile propellant and
acquired civilian resources to compensate. Special orders were also
handed down to bypass certain safety regulations to make the missiles
Lt. Gen. Jim Kowalski, AFGSC commander, quoted the book Black Swan
stating, "Acts of prevention get no reward." Furthermore Kowalski said,
"If we do our jobs right, then history will never remember our names."
He is correct in his interpretation of SAC's place in history - history
only remembers the glory and not the sacrifice.
Strategic Air Command receives little glory for its role during the Cold
War. We must remember the sacrifices and deterrence that SAC provided
during the Cuban Missile Crisis, especially on this, the 50th
anniversary of the event.
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