Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Reservists can carry leave balance after training tours

by Col. Bob Thompson
Air Force Reserve Public Affairs

10/31/2012 - WASHINGTON -- In a "one-step-at-a-time" approach, Air Force officials have a new program for reservists to save and carryover leave time from year to year beginning Nov. 1.

Reservists performing duty under the Reserve Personnel Appropriation or RPA orders may now "save" their leave for future use. Prior to this change, reservists were required to use or sell leave earned on orders of 30 days or more.

RPA is a pay account specifically designed to pay reservists who are on a training tour of duty.

Any Airman serving a month of duty garners 2.5 days of leave. Previously, only Airmen in the Regular Air Force were allowed to save and carry up to 60 days of leave on the books as they cross the "use or lose" deadline on Oct. 1, each year.

Reservists cannot save their leave for next year if they are working on active duty under Military Personnel Appropriation orders, or MPA; as well as, in direct support of war taskings under Overseas Contingency Operations funds, or OCO. No action is required by reservists since the military's computer software automatically sells the leave and pays it to the service member.

Local military personnel flights can provide more information about the AFR Leave Carryover Program.

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