Monday, October 22, 2012

Recruits join AF Reserve at mixed martial arts event

by Master Sgt. Veronica Aceveda
512th Airlift Wing Public Affairs

10/19/2012 - DOVER AIR FORCE BASE, Del.  -- A group of men and women from all over Delaware joined the Air Force Reserve during a mass enlistment ceremony Saturday night at Delaware's first professional Mixed Martial Arts event inside the Dover Downs Hotel and Casino.

Inside a caged ring, friends and family of the recruits along with hundreds of MMA fans witnessed the Dover Air Force Base Honorguard present the colors and the national anthem sung by a trio of  uniformed Airmen from the base .

The enlistment ceremony featured 12 enlistees, ages 18 to 37, taking the oath of enlistment, signifying the start of their AF Reserve career in the 512th Airlift Wing here.

"Making the pledge to defend our nation is a monumental milestone and something they'll always remember," said 512th AW Commander Col. Raymond A. Kozak, who administered the oath during the MMA's half-time show. "It was an honor to perform this ceremony before such a large audience, and it was an added bonus for these new Airmen to witness the patriotism of the crowd through their applause and cheers."

To enhance the 512th AW's event this year, Ben Henderson, the current Ultimate Fighting Championship Lightweight champion attended the event, signing autographs and taking pictures with fans. The base honor guard also presented the colors, and a trio of singers in service dress uniforms performed the national anthem.

The mass enlistment ceremony was part of a nationwide effort to hold enlistment ceremonies throughout the Air Force Reserve Command in October.

Enlisting into the Air Force Reserve is similar to enlisting in the active-duty Air Force.  Reservists receive many of the same benefits as the active-duty Air Force but have the flexibility to train and serve near home, attend college full time or maintain a civilian career.

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