Monday, October 15, 2012

Motorcycle Mentorship Program encourages safe enjoyment in the saddle

By Capt. Aaron Roman
5th Armored Brigade, Division West

SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (10/12/12) – As temperatures drop sharply here around this time of year, many of the ‘Coyotes’ of Division West’s 5th Armored Brigade are considering putting their motorcycles into winter hibernation.  Even so, the bikers of the brigade’s 2nd Battalion, 361st Combat Support Regiment

augmented their recent battle assembly weekend by completed their motorcycle safety ride for the quarter as part of the unit’s Motorcycle Mentorship Program.
The purpose of the program is to establish voluntary installation-level motorcycle clubs where less experienced riders and seasoned riders can create a supportive environment of responsible motorcycle riding and enjoyment.

Coyote Motorcycle Mentorship Program Manager Master Sgt. Richard L. Sagness organized the event for the unit’s motorcyclists.

 “The MMP’s goal is to bring together both new and experienced riders and promote responsible fun, education and safety to the dozens of riders in our unit,” Sagness said.

 Sagness began his MMP with a safety class, followed by an inspection using the ‘Tires and Wheels, Cables and Control, Lights, Oil and Fluids, Chassis and Sidestand’ – or T-CLOCS – pre-ride checklist, and delivered the final instructions before they took off on their final scheduled obstacle course and safety ride.
 Sagness and MidAmerica Motorplex Inc., a local power sports business and civilian motorcycle organization, provided training on an obstacle course designed to emphasize safety, teach control and increase performance measures for the Soldiers while on their motorcycles.  The use of local training facilities enhanced the unit’s abilities to provide realistic and appropriate training for the Soldiers.

 “It’s nice to see the unit’s focus and commitment to safety. Any day is a good day when our Soldiers can concentrate on the overall safety of riding their motorcycles,” Bravo Team Platoon Sergeant Sgt. 1st Class Sean P. McLaughlin said.

The next event of the day was a 100-mile round trip ride to the city of Mitchell that encompassed all types of riding – group, urban, country and staggered. Sagness rode along with the motorcyclists during the road trip observing their riding techniques, their negotiating while in traffic and on the open road and their overall safety procedures.

“I like our motorcycle program, said Staff Sgt. Jeris Timmermans, Bravo Team squad leader.  “It brings the unit together and we get a chance to go over new safety guidelines and ride together.  The combination of experience and knowledge here is great to see, and we have fun doing it.”

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