Friday, October 26, 2012

Air Force recognizes PACAF team

by Staff Sgt. LuCelia Ball
PACAF Public Affairs

10/26/2012 - JOINT BASE PEARL HARBOR-HICKAM, Hawaii  -- A Pacific Air Forces team was recently recognized when they were awarded the Gen. George C. Kenney Award for Lessons Learned Sept. 17, 2012 in Washington, D.C.

The award was presented to the 5th Air Force and the then-13th Air Force Detachment 1 Lessons Learned Team by Gen. Herbert "Hawk" Carlisle, PACAF commander, Mr. Sandy Schlitt, Air Force Association chairman of the board, and Dr. Jacqueline Henningsen, director for Studies & Analyses, Assessments and Lessons Learned, Headquarters U.S. Air Force, during the AFA and Space and Technology Exposition.

The team earned their award for actions taken during Operation TOMODACHI, named in support of the Humanitarian Assistance/Disaster Relief Response to the Japan 9.0-magnatude earthquake and subsequent tsunami that ravaged parts of the country on March 11, 2011. The operation consisted of elements from the Department of Defense, Department of State, Government of Japan, U.S. Government relief agencies and Non-Governmental Organizations.

"There were actually two efforts taking place during the operation, one with the folks that were deployed to Yokota Air Base, Japan, and one with the staff here," said Lt. Col. Kyle Novak, PACAF Chief of Analyses and Assessments Division. "The Kenney Award primarily addressed our efforts at Yokota."

In addition to providing assistance to the country as it dealt with catastrophic loss of life and extensive property damage, and significant challenges imposed by the radiological incident at the Fukishima nuclear power plant, the Air Force managed the evacuation of family members from Japan during a U.S. Government-directed Non-combatant Evacuation Order.

The Lessons Learned Team played an important role in the capture, dissemination and incorporation of lessons learned that enhanced the knowledge and expertise of the DoD, DoS and the U.S. Pacific Command with regards to radiological consequence management, voluntary assisted departure, airlift operations and improved HA/DR planning for future crises.

The team's efforts were enhanced by the direct support received from the entire Air Force Lessons Learned community, ranging from Headquarters Air Force to other Major Commands, in particular Air Combat Command, Air Mobility Command and PACAF Numbered Air Forces.

"We were pretty elated to receive the award," said Mr. John Trifonovitch, PACAF Division Chief, Analysis and Assessments. "This operation was a total Air Force effort that produced results. To be recognized at the Air Force level emphasized and acknowledged
the effort we put in."
The award was presented to the following team members: Brig. Gen. John Raymond, then 5th Air Force vice commander; Col. Stuart Lum, then-5th AF director of staff; Col. Yvette Quitno, then-5th AF/A2/6; Col. Marc Reese, then-13th AF Det. 1 commander; Col. Martin Winkler, then-5th AF/A3/A5, Lt. Col. Kyle Novak, 13th AF/A9, Maj. David Caswell, 7AF/A8/A9, Dr. Robert Sligh, 5th AF historian and Mr. Mark Reid, 13th AF/A9.

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