Monday, October 15, 2012

30th Anniversary Milestone: Space and Missile Systems Center joins AFSPC

10/15/2012 - Peterson AFB, Colo.  -- Air Force Space Command is celebrating its 30th Anniversary! Here is a significant milestone from the command's history ...

On 1 October 2001, the Space and Missile Systems Center and Los Angeles AFB transferred from Air Force Material Command to AFSPC.

In the early 2000s there were a number of studies conducted to examine the management and organization of the defense space community and space acquisition. In response to these studies, SMC was realigned from Air Force Material Command to Air Force Space Command in an effort to bring the developers and the operators of military space systems together under the same command structure.

Today, the Space and Missile Systems Center is the Air Force's product center for the development and acquisition of space and missile systems. SMC's responsibilities begin by working with HQ AFSPC and the user community to refine operational concepts and requirements; continue with systems definition and program formulation; extend through execution and fielding of systems in concert with industry partners; and ultimately include sustaining systems over their operational lives.

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