Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Navy Announces Suicide Prevention Awareness Month

From Navy Personnel Command Public Affairs

MILLINGTON, Tenn. (NNS) -- September is National Suicide Prevention Awareness Month and the Navy is using the month as a launch pad to focus on Navy's ongoing suicide prevention efforts, officials announced in NAVADMIN 259/12 released Aug. 27.

During each week of the month resources will be available to guide discussion on stress navigation and suicide prevention concepts. The weekly concepts to be explored are: building resilience, navigating stress, encouraging bystander intervention to A-C-T (Ask Care Treat), and reducing barriers for seeking support through counseling.

The tools and resources are available on www.suicide.navy.mil and www.navynavstress.com. These tools emphasize the themes of dedication, optimism, determination and humor.

Additionally, the winner of the Suicide Prevention Public Service Announcement Contest will be announced Sept. 28. The winning video will be available year-round online and will be broadcast regularly on Direct-to-Sailor television, the American Forces Network and Pentagon channel.

"Our people are our greatest asset," said Capt. Kurt Scott, Behavioral Health Programs director, Bureau of Naval Personnel. "We're promoting a lifestyle of total fitness - physically, mentally, socially and spiritually - to ensure our Sailors are best able to meet the challenges they will face in today's Navy. These efforts reinforce the Secretary of the Navy's 21st Century Sailor and Marine initiative, as well as support the Chief of Naval Operation's directions. Most importantly, focusing on total fitness puts us on a path to prevent suicides."

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