Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Don’t Miss Your Medical News Away from Home

By the staff

While medical providers are deployed, on vacation or away from home for an extended period, they can still stay up to date on medical news. Several military and related subject publications offer online versions of printed materials, including newsletters delivered right to a smartphone, so no need to miss a single story.

Journals such as Federal Practitioner, a peer-reviewed journal for military health care professionals, offer online subscription services that give readers access to e-mail alerts and full text articles.  The Association of Military Surgeons of the United States, or AMSUS, offers an online version of its International Journal of AMSUS. AMSUS also comes in an e-mail news briefing format. The Institute of Medicine of the National Academies also offers e-mail updates on a range of topics. The United States Army Medical Department Journal archives its issues online for free viewing. Other Army Medical publications are available online, some dating back to the 1980s. The National Institutes of Health’s National Library of Medicine also provides a searchable online catalog of journals, audiovisuals and other resources.

If you know of a medical journal of interest to military medical professionals that features online content, please share a link in the comment section of this blog post on the military health system Facebook page.

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