Tuesday, June 19, 2012

DCoE June Webinar: Intimate Partner Violence

By DCoE Strategic Communications

Defense Centers of Excellence for Psychological Health and Traumatic Brain Injury will host its next webinar, “Intimate Partner Violence: What Health Care Providers Need to Know,” from 1 to 2:30 p.m. (EDT) June 28.

Intimate partner violence, also known as domestic violence, is a serious public health problem in the United States. According to “The National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Study: 2010 Summary Report” by Michele C. Black, et al., 2011, nearly 30 percent of women and 10 percent of men have experienced rape, physical violence and/or stalking by a partner. Victims are at risk for a variety of psychological health concerns, including posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), depression and substance misuse.

Co-occurring issues, such as violent behavior, aggression, alcohol misuse and PTSD, may increase the risk of someone hurting a partner. Research suggests that veterans with PTSD have a higher incidence of perpetrating domestic violence than veterans without the diagnosis and those co-occurring issues may be related to combat experience.

Subject matter experts will discuss the impact of partner violence on victims’ psychological health, identify appropriate screening methods for signs of abuse and examine the relationship between domestic violence and PTSD, emphasizing provider-level care strategies.

Featured speakers are:

■April A. Gerlock, Ph.D., ANRP, Department of Veterans Affairs Puget Sound Health Care System, Health Services Research and Development Service NW Center of Excellence research associate
■Carole Warshaw, M.D., National Center on Domestic Violence, Trauma and Mental Health director

All professionals who care for service members are encouraged to attend, including service members and their families. You may register now, or review further information.

Continuing education units and continuing medical education credits are available. Click here for details. To obtain credits, you must pre-register using the Adobe Connect platform.

Follow us on Twitter@DCoEPage during the webinar for live Tweeting and use #DCoEWebinar to join the conversation.

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