Sunday, May 06, 2012

Navy Develops Operational Stress Control Mobile Training Teams

By Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class Andrea Perez, Navy Personnel Command Public Affairs

MILLINGTON, Tenn. (NNS) -- Continuing its focus on providing resources for 21st Century Sailors and Marines, the Navy has developed two operational stress control mobile training teams (OSC MTT), officials said May 4.

According to NAVADMIN 150/12, the OSC MTTs will deliver OSC Leader and OSC Front Line Supervisor training to Navy commands. The two teams have been positioned on the East and West Coasts to provide quick responses to requests for training.

"We wanted to expand the availability of our OSC skills training, and the MTTs are the most cost-effective method. This brings the training to the command," said Capt. Kurt Scott, Behavioral Health Programs director, Bureau of Naval Personnel. "The most important part of these courses is the frank discussion among attendees. When members of a command talk about what they see as stress-related issues and how course tools could be applied in their commands, OSC becomes more than a concept - it becomes a way of doing day-to-day business."

The six-hour OSC Leader course is designed for unit wardrooms and chief petty officer messes, while the four-hour OSC Front Line Supervisor course focuses on helping E-6 to O-3 deckplate leaders develop skills to recognize and address stress in their Sailors.

The OSC Leader course is an interactive, professionally-facilitated, skills-based course. Leaders learn how to identify stress, build resilience and mitigate stress before it becomes a stress injury or illness. During the course the command leadership will share their real-world experiences and how they handled stress.

The OSC Front Line Supervisor course provides in-depth training for deckplate supervisors to enhance their ability to recognize and effectively intervene with Sailors suffering from emotional distress caused by life's challenges. The course emphasizes supervisory as much as helping skills.

Commanders, commanding officers, and command master chiefs are encouraged to request training for their wardrooms and messes prior to beginning a deployment work-up period. The MTTs travel and train at no cost to the requesting command.

Procedures for requesting training are in the NAVADMIN.

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