Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Are You inTransition?

By Jayne Davis, DCoE Strategic Communications

“Put me in coach … I’m ready to play!” In sports, that statement shows a player’s determination to succeed. The same could be said for service members who voluntarily access inTransition, a coaching program that helps those being treated for psychological concerns transition between behavioral health care providers or systems as a result of a change in their service status.

Such transitions can pose challenges and create uncertainties for the service member under treatment, sometimes resulting in a retreat from care or behavioral health setbacks. InTransition coaches work one-on-one with service members and veterans to ensure continuity of care and help them feel comfortable with and prepared for a change to a new provider.

Coaching services are performed by licensed, master- or doctoral-level behavioral health experts. The coach doesn’t provide behavioral health care, but helps the user navigate the transition with guidance and resources, such as community services, support groups and crisis intervention services, and motivates the individual to continue pursuing their wellness goals. All of this is done through telephone contact and continues until the service member has been seen by their new mental health provider.

InTransition is a collaboration between the Defense Department and Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), and is managed by Defense Centers of Excellence for Psychological Health and Traumatic Brain Injury (DCoE). The DCoE inTransition team informs behavioral health care providers, service members, veterans and their families about the program through Yellow Ribbon events, conferences and presentations worldwide.

Here are a few further notes on the program:

 ■It is voluntary, free and accessible by self-referral or referral by a current provider or case manager
■Participating service members can expect absolute privacy of personal information other than contact details, and a diagnosis only if the current provider elects to provide it to the coach
■Public service announcements educate interested parties about coaching services and benefits
■A confidential, toll-free number for coaching information is available 24/7 — 800-424-7877
■Resources frequently requested include VA benefits and accessing VA services; Vet Center readjustment counseling services; OEF/OIF/OND programs; community resources and support groups; information on posttraumatic stress disorder and TBI; the GI Bill; and employment links and financial resources

To learn more, read this information sheet about inTransition and this DCoE blog post about one service member’s experiences.

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