Tuesday, April 17, 2012

USS Dallas Recognizes Sailors' Children during Month of the Military Child

By Lt. Cmdr. Jennifer Cragg, Commander, Submarine Group 2 Public Affairs

GROTON, Conn. (NNS) -- More than 100 children of active duty Sailors assigned to USS Dallas (SSN 700) were recognized during a "Month of the Military Child" event held aboard the Los Angeles-Class attack submarine in Groton April 15.

The event hosted aboard Dallas, which included D.C. Olympics and an ice cream social was in support of the Month of the Military Child. Children of U.S. service members stationed around the world will be honored throughout April for their contributions and sacrifice.

Cmdr. Jack Houdeshell, Dallas' commanding officer and his crew organized a series of events to show their appreciation.

"A month set aside by the Navy to recognize our military children is significant and so critically important in the overall personnel readiness of our Dallas Sailors," said Houdeshell. "In April, we can show how much we do care and value their support."

Jill Henry, Dallas' ombudsman, received the certificates through the Blue Star Families' Outstanding Military Child Certificate Program.

"April is the month of the military child and this is the perfect time to recognize these young heroes and let them know they are not forgotten," said Henry.

Master Chief Electronics Technician (SS) Tomas Garcia, Dallas' chief of the boat discussed the command's philosophy toward recognizing the support provided by their families including the youngest members.

"In keeping with our command philosophy we have fostered a command culture of taking care of our children and recognizing the sacrifices they endure to allow us to defend our nation," said Garcia.

"The children endure just as much as the adults too and many times more, with having to change schools, make new friends and deal with the stresses of having only one parent at home most of the time," said Henry.

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