Thursday, April 26, 2012

NMCPHC Unveils Web-Based Relaxation Tool Kit

From Navy and Marine Corps Public Health Center Public Affairs

PORTSMOUTH, Va. (NNS) -- The Navy and Marine Corps Public Health Center (NMCPHC) unveiled its web-based "Relax Relax Tool Kit" April 24 designed to help users manage daily stress using relaxation techniques.

The tool kit was developed through collaboration with team members from NMCPHC's Health Promotion and Wellness Department, Wounded Ill and Injured (WII) Program, and the Information Management Department.

Eight categories of traditional relaxation strategies were selected to develop this scientifically proven tool kit. The strategies, widely accepted by health promotion and other public health experts, include traditional approaches such as breathing, imagery and meditation.

"Learning to relax and to de-stress is part of being resilient," said Dr. Mark Long, NMCPHC Health Promotion and Wellness staff member. "Being able to navigate the daily stresses of life and to perform highly and perhaps even at your peak level is what we strive for."

The tool kit contains a wide variety of relaxation exercises selected on their ability to appeal to a diverse audience. The exercise tracks are easily downloadable to portable media devices for individual use anytime, anywhere. A CD version is also available through NMCPHC.

"No matter what stress continuum zone you may be in at the moment- green, yellow, orange or red, the tool kit offers many selections to move you back toward the green zone," said Lateef Khursheed, staff member with NMCPHC's Health Promotion and Wellness Department.

To test the usefulness of the tool kit, focus-group sessions were conducted with Sailors and Marines who are currently receiving care or treatment through the WII program. Suggestions from these focus groups were implemented to improve the quality of the Relax Relax Tool Kit.

Based on the input of WII service-members, case managers, and others, the tool kit will continue to evolve as an effective and proven relaxation and sleep resource.

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