Tuesday, March 06, 2012

Wisconsin Army Guard overall winner in Army evaluation

Wisconsin National Guard Public Affairs Office

Wisconsin might be considered the big cheese in the Army National Guard community this year.

The Wisconsin Army National Guard was named the overall winner in its category for the Army Chief of Staff Army Communities of Excellence Award - ACOE for short. Wisconsin was last named the overall winner in 2001.

The ACOE program in the Army National Guard is described as a holistic integrated business management approach used to measure organizational performance. This approach helps Joint Force Headquarters - the headquarters for the National Guard in each state - assess performance and develop improvement initiatives to set the strategic direction.

The Pentagon announcement caps a series of recent top ACOE finishes by the Wisconsin Army National Guard. Last year it received the Gold First Place award as first runner up. In 2010 Wisconsin received a Silver Second Place finish - sixth in the Army National Guard. The state earned a Gold Third Place award in 2009 (fourth overall) and a Silver First Place award (fifth overall) in 2008. Wisconsin has been involved in the ACOE program since 1989.

Brig. Gen. Mark Anderson, commander of the Wisconsin Army National Guard, said the award underscores the collective effort of Wisconsin Guard Soldiers to achieve and maintain excellence.

"Hats off to the entire team," Anderson said. "The ACOE program is all about continued improvement in management processes that result in higher unit readiness and better care for our Soldiers and their families. This award doesn't mean that we have won and now we can rest, because winning isn't what it's about - but it does mean that we are succeeding in our goal."

Maj. Gen. Don Dunbar, adjutant general of Wisconsin, praised the efforts that led to the award.

"In the Guard we pride ourselves on being 'always ready, always there,'" Dunbar said, "and this ACOE process ensures that our leadership remains focused on supporting our Soldiers. We support them by constantly seeking to improve our processes, which ensures readiness.

"This award reflects the superb leadership of the Wisconsin Army National Guard," Dunbar continued. "I congratulate the entire team for this significant achievement."

The ACOE Awards program follows a 12-month evaluation in which Army, National Guard and Reserve installations are judged against Army priorities and the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Program criteria. Participants are not judged against each other. The assessment considers the overall quality of military environments, facilities and services.

The Wisconsin Army National Guard will receive a monetary award - as yet to be determined - for being the overall winner. Luanne Sleger, Wisconsin Army National Guard strategic planner and quality advisor, said that the award would be used for improvements at armories across the state.

"The benefits of the ACOE program far outweigh any monetary gains that we might receive for winning," she said.

All ACOE winners will be honored during a May 1 ceremony at the Pentagon.

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