Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Police and Public Safety Complex Trauma

The April 4, 2012, episode of American Heroes Radio features a conversation with Dr. Daniel C.  Rudofossi the author of Police and Public Safety Complex Trauma.

Program Date: April 4, 2012
Program Time: 1500 hours, PACIFIC
Topic: Police and Public Safety Complex Trauma
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About the Guest
Dr. Daniel C.  Rudofossi (NYPD) “is the real deal: street cop, sergeant, and commanding officer who patrolled urban war zones and effected over 200 arrests without a complaint when New York was known as the murder capital of the United States. That experience and credibility helped him, as Uniform Psychologist/Police Sergeant, NYPD, in relating to police officers and in working through assessment, crisis, and therapy with hundreds of officers. What he offers in this book is the combined result of more than a decade of experience, from street cop to licensed psychologist who conducted extensive clinical treatment and research. Dr. Rudofossi is certified in the following psychotherapies: Fellow in Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy, Albert Ellis Institute (formally, Institute of Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy); Psychodynamic Psychotherapy, New York Psychoanalytic Institute and Society; and Clinician Diplomate in Logotherapy, The Viktor Frankl Institute of Logotherapy.

Dr. Daniel C.  Rudofossi is Adjunct Associate Professor at New York University and Clinical Supervisor at Yeshiva University Albert Einstein School of Medicine. He continues in his private practice to work with traumatized police officers and is on the Board of Advisors, Saybrook University Clinical Psychology Ph.D. Program in Police and Public Safety. He is a recent appointee as Police Cop Doc to the New York and New Jersey Crime Clinic Detectives Association, and his recent appointment as Administrative Clinical Psychologist for the HHSG includes supervising and monitoring the US DOJ DEA EAP Nationwide.” Dr. Daniel C.  Rudofossi is the author of Working With Traumatized Police-officer Patients: A Clinician’s Guide to Complex PTSD Syndromes in Public Safety Professionals and A Cop Doc's Guide to Public Safety Complex Trauma Syndrome: Using Five Police Personality Styles.

According to the book description of A Cop Doc's Guide to Public Safety Complex Trauma Syndrome: Using Five Police Personality Styles it “is written in response to the need for an advanced, specialized guide for clinicians to operationally define, understand, and responsibly treat complex post-traumatic stress and grief syndromes in the context of the unique varieties of police personality styles. The book continues where Rudofossi's first book, Working with Traumatized Police Officer Patients left off. Theory is wed to practice and practice to effective interventions with police officer-patients. The 'how' and 'why' of a clinician's approach is made highly effective by understanding the distinct personality styles of officer-patients. Rudofossi's theoretical approach segues into difficult examples that highlight each officer-patient's eco-ethological field experience of loss in trauma, with a focus on enhancing resilience and motivation to - otherwise left disenfranchised. Thus, this original work expands the ecological-ethological existential analysis of complex PTSD into the context of personality styles, with an emphasis on resilience - without ignoring the pathological aspects of loss that often envelop officer-patient trauma syndromes.

About the Watering Hole
The Watering Hole is police slang for a location cops go off-duty to blow off steam and talk about work and life.  Sometimes funny; sometimes serious; but, always interesting.

About the Host
Lieutenant Raymond E. Foster was a sworn member of the Los Angeles Police Department for 24 years.  He retired in 2003 at the rank of Lieutenant.  He holds a bachelor’s from the Union Institute and University in Criminal Justice Management and a Master’s Degree in Public Financial Management from California State University, Fullerton; and, has completed his doctoral course work. Raymond E. Foster has been a part-time lecturer at California State University, Fullerton and Fresno; and is currently a Criminal Justice Department chair, faculty advisor and lecturer with the Union Institute and University.  He has experience teaching upper division courses in law enforcement, public policy, law enforcement technology and leadership.  Raymond is an experienced author who has published numerous articles in a wide range of venues including magazines such as Government Technology, Mobile Government, Airborne Law Enforcement Magazine, and Police One.  He has appeared on the History Channel and radio programs in the United States and Europe as subject matter expert in technological applications in law enforcement.

Listen from the Archive:

Program Contact Information
Lieutenant Raymond E. Foster, LAPD (ret.), MPA

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