Friday, March 23, 2012

Fire Departments, Firefighter Selected Best in Region

By Kaylee LaRocque, Naval Air Station Jacksonville Public Affairs

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. (NNS) -- The First Coast Navy Fire and Emergency Services comprised of the Naval Air Station Jacksonville (NAS Jax) and Naval Station (NS) Mayport fire departments was selected the 2011 Commander, Navy Region Southeast (CNRSE) Fire Department of the Year (Large Category) March 20.

This is the third consecutive year the unit has been recognized for this award. These departments will represent the region in the upcoming Commander, Navy Installations Command competition.

"Bravo Zulu to these fire and emergency services professionals and all the programs they represent," said CNRSE Rear Adm. Jack Scorby Jr. in a message announcing the winners. "I wish them all the very best of luck as they move forward to the CNIC-wide competition. Great job and many thanks to all of our fire and emergency professionals for all that you do to keep our Sailors, Marines, civilians and families safe."

During 2011, base firefighters/paramedics answered 647 structural, 446 aircraft, 46 hazardous material (hazmat), 1,723 emergency medical service and 47 community calls for help. They also provided triage, treatment and transport to numerous visitors during the NAS Jax Air Show.

The team provides service not only to the two naval bases, but also to the Pinecastle Range Complex, Outlying Field Whitehouse and Yellow Water Housing Area.

They also established several memorandums of understanding with local counties to provide mutual aid response to support local communities; hosted specialized hazmat and technical rescue teams for training events; provided cardiopulmonary resuscitation/automated external defibrillator training for base security and Navy Exchange personnel; developed new training initiatives for firefighters; mandated fire officer certification; assisted homeported ships at NS Mayport with annual fire hose testing and deployed to Naval Station Guantanamo Bay, Cuba to service test and certify their self-contained breathing apparatus systems.

Firefighters at both stations have also spent many off-duty hours training to increase their proficiencies in emergency situations. Some of this certified training includes advanced life support, hazmat, rappelling, damage control and evacuation on the ships and using the mobile aircraft live fire trainer.

The team has also spent numerous hours renovating their stations saving the Navy $200,000 through self-help projects.

"We have 127 members on our team and they truly are the 'best of the best,'" said Mark Brusoe, acting fire chief. "At our stations everyone has a never say 'no' attitude and we are always out there ready to serve the public. Nothing is too big or small to take on. They make my job easy. You send them in the right direction, give them some guidance and the job gets done.

"We also have a superb fire prevention program at NAS Jax and NS Mayport. They do an outstanding job educating the public on fire safety through lectures and demonstrations and are responsible for inspecting all the buildings for fire hazards."

NAS Jax Firefighter/Paramedic Tracy Tomes has also been chosen as the 2011 CNRSE Firefighter of the Year.

"This is awesome being selected for both these awards," said Tomes, who has been with the NAS Jax Fire Department for the past 11 years. "We strive to provide the public with the best service possible whether we are responding to a call or someone comes into our station for a tour or a blood pressure check. We are here to protect the military members, civilians and their families.

"During my time here, I've seen many changes within our station that enable us to provide the highest quality of service to our customers. One of the biggest is that we've established an advanced life support system and have provided training to base personnel. This new system greatly enhances our ability to save lives. We also have state-of-the-art upgrades on our fire trucks, new technologies, including a better dispatch system and new capabilities to advise our citizens of upcoming emergencies."

Tomes was cited for personally saving the lives of two individuals including a 23-month-old infant; rescuing a victim in a multi-vehicle accident; coordinating the emergency medical services (EMS) operations for a simulated train derailment joint exercise with the City of Jacksonville; researching and developing a comprehensive advanced emergency medical training program for his co-workers; designed and constructed a new EMS office at NAS Jax and maintains accountability and purchases of all EMS equipment.

"I am proud that I will be representing my team in the CNIC competition. I'd really like to thank Fire Chief Brusoe for submitting me for this award, NAS Jax Commanding Office Capt. Bob Sanders for supporting me, base legal department for providing guidance and our team here for all they do each and every day," said Tomes. "And, I'd especially like to thank my family for all their support while I'm working."

"Many people don't realize that we usually work 72 hours a week here. We cook together, eat together and argue together - we are a family here," Brusoe added. "We do this because we love what we do and are here to serve those who need us."

Brusoe and Tomes will represent First Coast Navy Fire and Emergency Services at the Fire Rescue International conference in Denver Aug. 1-4 where the CNIC winners will be announced.

First responders play an essential role in fleet readiness, an area of the 21st Century Sailor and Marine initiative which consolidates a set of objectives and policies, new and existing, to maximize Sailor and Marine personal readiness, build resiliency and hone the most combat-effective force in the history of the Department.

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