Thursday, February 09, 2012

Weapons Silencers for Civilians

I get lots of requests to review websites and am often surprised by the information I find.  I looked through the Silencerco pistol silencers and was surprised at the wealth of information on not just the company, but the product and the laws concerning firearms silencers.  First, let me say that the website is well designed and easy to navigate.  Moreover, the website is visually interesting.  You should visit the media center and experience the videos, available wall paper and excellent high-quality photographs of their product.

My first question was – Are silencers legal?  I didn’t know.  But Silencerco provides a well-developed education center which includes state-by-state information on ownership as well as the purchasing process.  This section also provides forms and potential work-arounds if you have difficultly with local authorities. 

I next spent some time browsing the FAQs.  One of the questions was – How do silencers work?  They give a pretty straightforward answer: “Entire books have been written on this topic. A summarized explanation is that they slow and cool the expanding gases that propel bullets. This hot, high velocity, expanding gas is what causes the “boom” of a gunshot. Slowing and cooling this gas before it exits the muzzle greatly reduces the muzzle report of a gunshot.”

Another interesting question asked is - Does a modern suppressor (or silencer) decrease the effectiveness or range of the host firearm or cartridge?  You are going to have to go to their website to find out – the answer might surprise you. 

This is a paid review.

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