Tuesday, February 07, 2012

NETC Excellence in Safety Award Winners Announced

By Ed Barker, Naval Education and Training Command Public Affairs

PENSACOLA, Fla. (NNS) -- Naval Education and Training Command (NETC) announced the winners of the Fiscal Year 2011 NETC Excellence in Safety Awards Feb. 6.

The award recognizes outstanding performance in the areas of safety and risk management in a training and education environment.

"Safety is a fundamental enabler of combat readiness," said Rear Adm. Don Quinn, NETC commander. "Instilling good safety and risk management habits during initial training makes our training more effective and prepares Sailors for their introduction to the fleet. The efforts of our winners have set the standard for the domain and have directly contributed to fleet combat readiness."

- The NETC domain activity excellence in safety award recipient is Trident Training facility, Kings Bay, Ga.

- The NETC domain individual excellence in safety award recipient is Steven George, Naval Construction Training Center, Port Hueneme, Calif.

- The individual excellence in safety (collateral duty) award recipient is Senior Chief Machinist's Mate (SS) Richard Hicks, Trident Training Facility, Bangor, Wash.

"The contributions that these safety professionals have made, both on the organizational and individual level, have greatly contributed to the present and future success of our most valuable assets, our Sailors," said Donald J. Leavens, NETC special assistant for safety. "Their attention to detail and willingness to adapt to a changing environment have made a direct and tangible improvement in all areas of safety."

The three overall winners will receive a certificate and trophy which will be presented during the NETC breakout session at the Naval Safety Center's Professional Development Conference March 12.

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