Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Navy Partners with Facebook for Initial Timeline Rollout

From Defense Media Activity - Navy

WASHINGTON (NNS) -- The Navy Facebook page launched a new interface Feb. 29, changing the way fans engage and interact on the site.

Along with 40 other big brands from government and industry, the Navy was selected as part of the initial rollout of Facebook's popular "timeline" that, until now was only available to personal profiles. The move gives select brands early access to the interface that will eventually be mandated for every brand page on Facebook.

"New Facebook pages give government agencies, lawmakers, and political campaigns more engaging ways to tell their stories, and we're excited to see branches of the U.S. military leading the way." said Joel Kaplan, vice president, U.S. Public Policy for Facebook.

"We're eager to see others join the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, and Coast Guard in embracing new pages to better to connect with citizens, provide information, and deliver services," Kaplan said.

The Navy entered into a beta product agreement with Facebook in early February for the initial rollout phase of Timeline for brands on the Navy's Facebook page.

"These interface changes will allow us to tell a more engaging and authentic story that aligns with our ongoing efforts to share the value of America's Navy with audiences at home and abroad," said U.S. Navy Chief of Information, Rear Adm. Denny Moynihan.

This early partnership gives the Navy the opportunity to provide feedback and suggestions for enhancements to Facebook. This is especially important as the new interface will eventually affect 870 command pages currently administrated by Navy communicators.

It also gives the Navy social media team an advance opportunity to develop guidance and expertise to share with Navy communicators prior to the March 30 rollout for all page users.

The Navy's social media efforts are more than two years old and include a variety of platforms, including Facebook and Twitter. There are more than 470,000 fans on the U.S. Navy Facebook page and 820 commands in the U.S. Navy Social Media Directory.

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