Monday, February 20, 2012

California Air Guard members go above and beyond to save lives

By Air National Guard Senior Master Sgt. Chris Drudge
California National Guard

FRESNO, Calif.  — Over the last several months multiple California Air National Guard members have been placed in scenarios - off duty - where their decisions and actions made the difference between losing a life and getting a second chance - here are their stories.

Saving a chief:
On Jan. 27, Airmen 1st Class Tod Miley and David Hutchason, both California Air National Guard members with the 144th Fighter Wing, were working at their civilian place of employment when they heard a car accident outside their building.

When they headed out to see what happened they saw a classic car crashed into a tree with an unresponsive elderly man slumped over in the front seat.

At that time, both airman acted instinctively and started administering self-aid and buddy care that they learned at the 144th FW.

Hutchason called 911 while Miley laid the driver on the front seat and began to initiate CPR. Hutchason stayed on the line with the 911 operator and was instructed to move the driver out of the car, while continuing chest compressions, and to lay him on the ground.

They continued to provide aid until paramedics arrived.

Miley says that he feel fortunate that he and Hutchason were around when the accident happened - because of their training.

“It was definitely being in the right place at the right time, we were there, did what we had to do and then walked away when the paramedics took over, he said. “We didn’t even know if he survived until much later when I received a call from someone at the 144th, telling us who this man was and that he had survived this accident.”

Unbeknownst to them, the man the two airmen had saved was retired Chief Master Sgt. Lawrence Pollastrini, who was on his way home from his civilian job at the 144th FW, when he suffered a heart attack.

“It was a huge relief finding out that what we did actually saved a life,” Hutchason said.

Pollastrini’s wife Kathy added that three cardiologists from the hospital had told her that he would not have survived the ordeal if Hutchason and Miley hadn’t responded the way they did.

A week after the accident Pollastrini told the young Airmen, “You guys did a good thing, my grandkids really appreciate it.”

Fast actions on vacation:
Just before Christmas 2011, another Airman from the 144th Maintenance Group was on vacation in San Diego, California. Air Force Staff Sgt. Scott Calhoun, an avionics specialist, was looking out at the bay and noticed something floating in the water.

Without hesitation, he leaped over the fence railing and headed for the water - yelling back at the crowd to call 911 as he entered the frigid water.

He swam approximately 40 yards to reach the individual and did an initial assessment of the victim.

“When I reached him, he was cold, blue and unresponsive. I grabbed him by his collar and pulled him back to shore,” Calhoun said.

Once they reached the shore, Calhoun assessed the situation and administered first-aid and buddy care to the victim.

“When I felt for a pulse, he spit up water and asked if he was in heaven,” Calhoun said.

He then treated the rescued man for hypothermia and shock by using sweatshirts from the on looking crowd and towels from the hotel pool.

The emergency medical service arrived on scene and transported the individual to a local hospital for further observation and treatment.

Calhoun credited his quick and calm reaction and self-aid and buddy care training, which he received as a member of the 144th FW and the Air National Guard, for knowing what to do in a life threatening situation.

Responding to the call:
Earlier in December 2011, Air Force Senior Airman Richard Sorondo, an Air Guard fire fighter with the 144th Civil Engineer Squadron and a full-time officer with the Fresno Police Department, was called to respond to an unresponsive victim.

Upon arriving to the dispatched residence, Sorondo was flagged down by a neighbor, Thomas Hite, and was directed to the incapacitated individual.

Apparently, the victim had fallen backwards off of his elevated porch on to the ground below where he remained until he was discovered by Hite.

After initial assessment, Sorondo determined that the individual required CPR, so he and Hite initiated the life saving technique until paramedics arrived.

Sorondo relied on the self-aid training instilled from the 144th FW and his police training to respond quickly and with appropriate action. The person whose life was saved is alive and well, thanks to the heroic actions of these two individuals.

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