Wednesday, January 04, 2012

President, Defense Secretary, Joint Chiefs Chairman to Brief Media on Defense Strategic Guidance

President Barack H. Obama, Secretary of Defense Leon E. Panetta, and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Martin E. Dempsey will brief the media at 10:50 a.m. EST, Jan. 5, in the Pentagon Briefing Room (2E973) on defense strategic guidance.
After a 15-minute filing break, Deputy Secretary of Defense Ashton B. Carter, Under Secretary of Defense for Policy Michèle A. Flournoy, and Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Adm. James A. Winnefeld Jr. will provide additional comments and take questions.

The Pentagon Briefing Room will open for pre-set of broadcast equipment at 7 a.m. Pre-set must be complete no later than 8 a.m. All media should arrive at the briefing room at 9:30 a.m. to allow for security screening. Access to the briefing room will open at 9:30 a.m. and close at 10:35 a.m.

Journalists without a Pentagon building pass will be picked up at the Pentagon River Parking Entrance only. Those with equipment should arrive no later than 7 a.m., and others should arrive no later than 9:15 a.m.; have proof of affiliation and two forms of photo identification. Please call 703-697-5131 for escort into the building.

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