Wednesday, December 07, 2011

Wisconsin Guard members part of unique holiday tribute to troops

By Sgt. Tiffany Addair
Mobile Public Affairs Detachment

The holiday season took a memorable turn for approximately 300 service members and their families Saturday (Dec. 3) - including Wisconsin National Guard members - thanks to the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad's Holiday Express, a vintage passenger train.

For the past four years, BNSF has invited military members and their families as guests on board the Holiday Express, as a gesture of thanks for their service and sacrifice.

"This program is specifically designed to honor military families," said Andrew K. Johnsen, assistant vice president of state government affairs for BNSF. "[BNSF] recognizes that men and women in uniform make tremendous sacrifices for our nation and we also know service is recognized and praised, but all too often the sacrifices of family members gets lost in the shuffle. This is our way of saying thanks."

BNSF selects four or five states every year for the Holiday Express. This year the train - consisting of 13 cars and the locomotives - visited Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois, North Dakota, South Dakota and Kansas.

In addition to the military member and family passengers, Gov. Scott Walker, commander-in-chief of the Wisconsin National Guard, Maj. Gen. Donald Dunbar, adjutant general of Wisconsin, and Matt Rose, BNSF chief executive officer, were on the 90-minute train ride.

"It was an exciting moment watching the reactions of the children as the Holiday Express pulled into the makeshift station decorated with a red carpet and holiday scene," said Lisa Kluetz, family program director and event coordinator. "Once we boarded the train, it was especially nice that Gov. Walker took time out of his day to say thank you to each military family for their service and sacrifices and, along with BNSF Railroad, create a special and memorable family event."

Rose said the Holiday Express allows families to put their concerns aside for a moment and enjoy an experience many have not had before - riding a train.

"We have done it for several years over several cities and it is always the same result - a lot of kids and parents with smiles on their faces," Rose said. "It's a great way to kick off the holiday period."

The service members and their families enjoyed refreshments, holiday décor and a surprise visit from Santa, who gave all children on board a commemorative ornament to remember their ride on the Holiday Express.

"Each of the vintage train cars had been refurbished to create the wonderful excursion along the scenic Mississippi River," Kluetz said. "Each train had its own theme, complete with holiday decorations and refreshments. I am sure that the families will be talking about what a special moment that BNSF Railroad created to honor their service."

Tech Sgt. Brian Benzing, a jet engine mechanic with the Madison-based 115th Fighter Wing, brought his wife, Fawn, and their four children to start off the holiday season.

"It's a great opportunity to bring our kids," Fawn said. "[Brian and I] planned on coming, but it was a last-minute surprise for the kids, so they were excited when they found out we were doing this today."
Sixteen percent of the BNSF workforce includes currently service members or veterans. The company donated $10,000 each to PROUD and Operation Home Front of Wisconsin, two organizations that support military families. Over the course of the route, BNSF donated $110,000 in support of military organizations.

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