Tuesday, December 27, 2011

35, 40 or 50 – Jump Start to General Fitness & Good Health

I have been Powerlifting for 15 years and a member of the National Masters Powerlifting Team for 3 out of the last 6 years. I finished 6th at the World Championships in the Czech Republic in 2010 and placed in the top 10 in 2005 and again in 2009. 

At 9:50 am EDT September 15, 2011 on Live With Regis and Kelly I officially broke the Guinness World Record for the most amount of weight squat lifted in one hour lifting 127,245 lbs. I guess I should mention I am 21 years older than the former record holder. I was 53 January 2011.

My effort to break the current world record was to bring attention to the fact the adults can continue to remain healthy and get stronger longer than even before,  well into their 40’s, 50’s, 60’s, 70’s and 80’s.  

Remember no one is born strong, fit, a fitness expert or a Guinness World Record holder.  Everyone starts at the same base.  Some at an early age in organized sports, some through mid life hobbies, and many because they just enjoy the activity and realize it reduce stress, increases energy and improves general health.  

I realize that taking the first step is intimidating, time consuming and downright hard. On the bright side, exercise provides for more energy, improved or good health, improved performance in hobbies, can be a social boost, and over time can become out and out fun! 

If you are going to a health club hire a professional for at least one or two lessons. Avoid going with friends or relatives. Often they try to help but may be overly aggressive, may show you the wrong techniques, maybe be intimidating and will often be the first step in your not returning to the gym.

If you are venturing into new activities, I highly recommend you find experts in those areas and ask them for help.  Find a professional and develop your plan, start small and build up.
As you start your new adventure here are a few suggestions:

1.       Visit your doctor for a check up or physical to ensure there are no health risks
2.       Find something you like – make it your passion
3.       Ask professionals for help – avoid friends or relatives
4.       Start small and work up
5.       Try to make it fun
6.       Walk, run, bike, swim, enrol in fitness classes, lift weights, do something and anything.....
7.       Do not be intimidated by others  

Remember its exercise, you decide when, where and how long.

Get started and don’t give up!

Walter is an American Powerlifter and Guinness World Record holder and challenger living in Canada. For more information visit www.walterurban.com

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