Tuesday, November 08, 2011

4000 Military Books

With the addition of Lt. Colonel Albert W. Johnson’s book Rules of Chivalry for Nuclear War: How We Fight and Persuade Each Other, Military-Writers.com now lists 4000 books written by 1273 US Military Servicemembers.

U.S. Air Force Lieutenant Colonel Albert W. Johnson “knows warfare. After graduating from the Naval Academy, he was assigned as an armament officer in the last year of the Korean War. He then became project officer in developing the B-52 bomber and was one of the original team members on the Discoverer/Corona project – the nation’s first spy satellite program – later inducted into the Air Force Space and Missile Pioneers Hall of Fame. He earned a master’s degree from MIT and worked at Lockheed Corp., a leading defense contractor. Lieutenant Colonel Albert W. Johnson is the author of Rules of Chivalry for Nuclear War: How We Fight and Persuade Each Other.

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