Monday, September 05, 2011

Wisconsin to observe 10th anniversary of 9/11 with official ceremony

Wisconsin National Guard Public Affairs Office

The public is invited to join Maj. Gen. Don Dunbar, adjutant general of Wisconsin, and state and federal officials to pay tribute to Wisconsinites who perished at the Twin Towers and the Pentagon on 9/11, as well as first responders and all others who lost their lives in the attacks on America and in the global war on terror. Family members of the more than 150 Wisconsin service members who have died in the global war on terror will also be in attendance.

The commemoration will include music by the Wisconsin Army National Guard's 132nd Army Band, an F-16 flyover, 21-gun salute and wreath laying. Members of the Madison Police Department and the Capitol Police will post our nation's colors and a joint service color guard will retrieve them. Gen. Dunbar will share his recollections of being on duty in Washington, D.C., on Sept. 11, 2001 and also serving as the commander of the Wisconsin National Guard.

A joint service color guard renders honors during a Sept. 11 ceremony at the Wisconsin State Capitol in 2002. A ceremony observing the 10th anniversary of the terror attacks on America will be held at 7:30 a.m. Sunday, Sept. 11 at the S. Hamilton Street corner of the State Capitol. Wisconsin National Guard file photo 

In the event of inclement weather, the ceremony will be held inside the Capitol Rotunda.
Immediately following the ceremony, a Freedom Walk, sponsored by Operation Homefront, will take place at the Capitol Square. Registration and check-in for the event begins at 7 a.m.

All events are open to the public. Those unable to attend can view the ceremony live on Wisconsin Public Television. The ceremony will also be re-broadcast in its entirety beginning at 7 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 11 on The Wisconsin Channel.

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