Tuesday, August 09, 2011

USFF Honors Individual Augmentees, Launches Hall of Honor Webpage

From U.S. Fleet Forces Command Public Affairs

NORFOLK (NNS) -- U.S. Fleet Forces Command (USFF), the executive agent for the Navy's Individual Augmentee (IA) Continuum, launched the Navy IA Hall of Honor webpage Aug. 1.

The page was launched to help recognize and honor Navy men and women who served their country as IAs and performed above and beyond the call of duty in overseas contingency operations, supporting Operations Enduring Freedom, Iraqi Freedom and New Dawn. It also recognizes IA Sailors who received awards for both combat service and meritorious service.

Since October 2001, one IA Sailor has received the Silver Star, the military's third highest combat service award. The Bronze Star has been awarded to 1,416 IA Sailors, the Bronze Star with Combat V device to 10 IA Sailors and the Purple Heart to 48 IA Sailors.

The Hall of Honor page also includes a special tribute in its "In Memoriam" section to IA Sailors who paid the ultimate sacrifice.

"We are proud to launch this webpage to collectively thank our IA Sailors for their distinguished service. And it is fitting that we honor the service members who paid the ultimate price during overseas contingency operations," said Adm. J.C. Harvey, Jr., commander, USFF. "Their service and sacrifice will not be forgotten."

Navy IA Sailors have served and continue to serve in numerous capacities in both combat service and combat service support roles in areas such as logistics & contracting, engineering, security assistance, detainee operations, headquarters staff, medical support, military trainers, provincial reconstruction teams and many other roles alongside the sister services, particularly the Army, Marine Corps and Coalition partners.

IA Sailors identified in the Navy IA Hall of Honor were retrieved from the official Navy Awards database, Defense.gov and the Defense Manpower Data Center. Any unintended omissions from the site may be addressed via the "contact us" link on the webpage.

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