Friday, August 19, 2011

Puget Sound Naval Shipyard Receives Award for Reservist, Guard Support

From Puget Sound Naval Shipyard and Intermediate Maintenance Facility Public Affairs

BREMERTON, Wash. (NNS) -- Puget Sound Naval Shipyard and Intermediate Maintenance Facility (PSNS & IMF) was recognized for its outstanding support to employees serving in the Reserve and National Guard during an Aug. 12 ceremony.

The command received a Patriot Award and Department of Defense certificate of appreciation from the Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve committee, a Defense Department organization charged to develop and promote a culture in which all American employers support and value the military service of their employees.

In addition, the Washington State ESGR committee presented the shipyard with the prestigious Above and Beyond Award, hailing the extra mile which PSNS & IMF goes to take good care of its activated employees.

One of those employees, Jason Donat, nominated the command for the awards for the support he received from the command when he was recalled for duty in Afghanistan.

"I took a moment to think about my civilian employer, PSNS & IMF, and realized how fortunate I was that they continually supported me and my spouse, Samantha, throughout my extended orders away from my home, family and my civilian job," explained Donat. "So, I decided to nominate PSNS & IMF as a whole for the support they have provided and to show them the impact it makes."

Donat spoke of the exceptional support both he and his wife received from the command's human resources, the leadership in his code, the outpouring from co-workers, and the flexibility he was given in his schedule.

"What we try to provide, over and above requirements, is the easiest transition possible for our employees who are activated," said Capt. Mark Whitney, PSNS commander. "We make certain we are prepared to meet the needs of our reserve service members and answer their questions with efficiency and accuracy."

PSNS & IMF provides additional support through an Employee Resource Group specifically for veterans and reservists. This group assists with connecting employees and their families with resources needed when called back to active service. The command also makes every effort to make the transition back to the employee's civilian work as easy as possible.

"It's our responsibility to come to work every day to support our nation," Whitney said to Donat. "You are the one going 'above and beyond' going to war for the country."

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