Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Milwaukee to host national military conference

The Wisconsin National Guard is proud to welcome more than 3,000 Army and Air Guard officers and their guests to the 133rd National Guard Association of the United States (NGAUS) General Conference and Exhibition Aug. 27-29 in Milwaukee.

The annual conference includes remarks from Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker; Gen. Craig McKinley, chief of the National Guard Bureau; Gen. Charles Jacoby Jr., commander of U.S. Northern Command; Gen. Carter Ham, commander of U.S. Africa Command; Gen. Norton Schwartz, Air Force chief of staff; Adm. James Winnefeld Jr., vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff; U.S. Rep. Tim Walz, co-chairman of the House National Guard and Reserve Components Caucus.

Most speakers will address the conference theme, The National Guard: Right for America, or any of a number of military and homeland security issues affecting the Guard. These include overseas operations, domestic missions and the impact of the current fiscal challenges on the defense budget.

The conference also serves as the annual NGAUS business meeting, as well as a venue to share information and celebrate the Guard's unique place in the profession of arms. Additionally, the event includes a golf tournament, a Freedom Ride and a Governor's Reception at the Harley-Davidson Museum, a large trade show featuring an exhibition of the Guard-related products and services of more than 400 companies and organizations.

Wisconsin National Guard Association (WINGA) staff and volunteers have devoted hundreds of hours preparing for the conference. The Wisconsin National Guard has also played an important role developing the conference. More information, the full business agenda and a complete list of exhibitors are available at

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