Monday, July 11, 2011

This Day in Naval History - July 12

From the Navy News Service

1836 - Commissioning of Charles H. Haswell as first regularly appointed engineer officer.
1916 - North Carolina is first Navy ship to carry and operate aircraft.
1921 - Congress creates Bureau of Aeronautics to be in charge of all matter pertaining to naval aeronautics.
1951 - Ninth Naval District forces assist in flood relief work in Kansas City through July 20.
1953 - United Nations Fleet launches heavy air and sea attack on Wonsan; Marine Maj. John Bolt becomes first jet ace in Marine Corps.
1988 - SECDEF approves opening Navy's Underwater Construction Teams, fleet oiler, ammunition ships and combat stores ships to women.
1990 - Cmdr. Rosemary Mariner becomes first woman to command an operational aviation squadron (VAQ-34).

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