Wednesday, July 06, 2011

Oak Hill Sailors Celebrate the 4th of July in Boston

By Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class (SW) Brian Goodwin, Commander, U.S. 2nd Fleet Public Affairs

BOSTON, Mass. (NNS) -- Several Sailors from USS Oak Hill (LSD 51) participated in Boston Harborfest's 4th of July parade to celebrate Harborfest's 30th anniversary, July 4.

During opening remarks, the Honorable Thomas Menino, Boston's mayor, welcomed Boston residents and Oak Hill Sailors.

"Our celebration of this day is dedicated to this city's rich, historic past and to the fine men and women who serve unselfishly to preserve this history," said Menino.

For some Oak Hill Sailors, this was their first time participating in a 4th of July parade in Boston.

"This is my first time here, so for me to be able to participate in a parade of this size where most of the city was watching us march down their streets was such an amazing sight to behold," said Information Systems Technician 3rd Class (SW) Gerardo Kosonoy.

At the close of the parade, the Pledge of Allegiance was recited by Oak Hill's Sailor of the Quarter, Interior Communications Electrician 1st Class (SW/AW) Joseph McClelland, at the Old State House, where the Declaration of Independence was signed in 1776.

"To be able to recite the Pledge before the city of Boston and my fellow shipmates, was one of the biggest honors anyone could ever have," said McClelland, a native of Erie, Pa. "This is a day I hope to share with my family as we celebrate our own 4th of July's as the years go by."

Cmdr. David Bauer, Oak Hill commanding officer, was proud that his Sailors were able to be a part of Boston's history.

"This is a significant event in which Boston celebrates our country being 235 years old," said Bauer. "For Oak Hill to be present for such an important event in the history of our country is a blessing. The Sailors left an impact through our interaction with the community and we are truly thankful for having this opportunity."

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