Sunday, July 31, 2011

NMCB 133 Actions, Training Save Timorese Lives

By Hospital Corpsman 1st Class Bryan Clarke, Naval Mobile Construction Battalion 133 Public Affairs

DILI, Timor Leste (NNS) -- Naval Mobile Construction Battalion (NMCB) 133 Seabees were the first responders to a motorbike accident while returning from a liberty outing in the Bobonaro District of Timor-Leste, July 24.

When Constructionman Juan Moreiravelez, Construction Electrician Apprentice Rodney Peters and Equipment Operator 3rd Class Jose Alemanacevedo set out for a relaxing trip to one of the many beautiful recreation spots that Timor-Leste has to offer, they had no idea that the return trip would provide an opportunity to save the lives of two Timorese men.

The accident occurred as two local nationals traveling on the winding mountain roads turned a sharp corner and lost control of their motorbike in the loose gravel.

"These same guys had said hello to us while we were stopped on the side of the beach eating lunch" said Moreiravelez. "They were probably about 25-30 minutes ahead of us on the road. When we saw what happened, I told our driver to stop. I knew we had to help."

At the accident scene, the three Seabees quickly sprang into action, assessed the situation and rendered appropriate care. Alemanacevedo used his T-shirt as a bandage and the three took turns keeping one of the victims awake on the trip to the local hospital.

"I didn't even think; I just reacted," he said. "I remembered first aid classes from [our] Field Training Exercise (FTX) and stuff I got during Convoy Security Element (CSE) training."

Moreiravelez said, "Some time after the incident we looked at each other and realized that we were covered in blood. That is when it started to sink in."

"I'm proud of these guys," said Lt. Kevin Westbrook, the detail's officer-in-charge. "Their training certainly paid off, but I feel it was character that made the difference. When faced with a decision, these guys did the right thing. I think a lot of people would have just driven by assuming help was on the way."

NMCB 133 is currently on a nine-month deployment throughout the U.S. Pacific Command area of operations. Seabees from NMCB 133's Detail Timor Leste play a key role in executing the Navy's Maritime Strategy by developing multi-national interoperability through joint execution of humanitarian and civic action construction projects on the island nation of Timor Leste.

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