Saturday, July 30, 2011

2011 editions of the "Law of War Deskbook" and the "Operational Law Handbook" are now available

The Judge Advocate General's Legal Center and School International & Operational Law Department

The documents linked below—The Law of War Deskbook, Law of War Documentary Supplement, and Operational Law Handbook—represent the broad range of international and operational law subjects taught to military judge advocates by the International and Operational Law Department of The Judge Advocate General’s Legal Center and School (TJAGLCS), Charlottesville, VA. The department provides basic and graduate courses in such diverse subjects as the law of war, the legal basis for the use of force among states, rules of engagement, status of forces and other international agreements, intelligence law, domestic support operations, detainee operations, interrogation operations, information operations, and comparative law. Issued by the department, these documents are not “official” publications, but are intended for instructional convenience for the military judge advocate student as well as an introduction to the law and to the primary sources of that law.

Selected articles, which can serve as additional resources for the military judge advocate student, will also be added regularly to this site.  Click to Visit.

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