Author, John Podlaski, will be selling and signing his book, Cherries - A Vietnam War Novel at Welcome Home 2011 in Chicago June 17-19 at the Palmer House Hilton Hotel. Vietnam vets and anyone who has been a young soldier in any war will relate to this unique story. It is also an opportunity for civilians to understand why many soldiers were "different" upon their return.
Sterling Heights, MI, June 08, 2011 --( Famed author, John Podlaski will be signing his book, Cherries – A Vietnam War Novel, in Chicago, IL. at “Welcome Home 2011.” This weekend event (June 17-19) will commemorate the 25th anniversary of the most historic event that Vietnam Veterans ever experienced, namely the 1986 Chicago Welcome Home Parade. The Palmer House Hilton Hotel is designated the official Headquarters for Welcome Home 2011 - hosting various organization reunions, banquets and providing a centralized vendor and book signing area. This author did participate in that parade, long ago, and is looking forward to returning to Chicago for this once in a lifetime event.
Cherries – A Vietnam War Novel, published in 2010, is not just another 420-page book about this unpopular war. Instead, this unique work views the war solely through the eyes of a single new arrival, called a “Cherry,” as he moves through all the emotions that go through an indoctrination into war. "This author has come closer than 99% of existing Vietnam Veteran memoirs in duplicating the vicarious experience of what it was like to be a naive, scared, eighteen-year-old 'FNG' during America’s participation in the Vietnam War," cited Bernie Weisz, Vietnam War Historian and Professional Book Reviewer. Once the Cherries have engaged the enemy and witness death firsthand, a life changing transition occurs. "Podlaski draws you into his story, making it feel as if you are right there with his characters on patrol," said Jeff Miller, Author of War Remains. You get to know Polack, Doc, Sixpack, Wild Bill, Scout and Nung and soon feel a kinship that bonds this small group together. "The reader identifies with the fear, awe, drama, and sorrow, witnessing the bravery and sometimes laughter in their humor," wrote Jerry Kunnath, Author. In Vietnam, battles were not only fought against enemy soldiers – personal battles occurred daily as these teenagers had to fend off the many crawling, flying and scurrying insects, rats, snakes, spiders and other creatures living within these dense jungles. Some were magnificent – most were deadly. During this rite of passage, many Cherry soldiers eventually became skilled leaders and combat veterans – providing they survived.
Mr. Podlaski will have a supply of books available for your purchasing convenience, a personal note and signature on the inside cover is included. If you are unable to attend this special event, unsigned editions of Cherries – A Vietnam War Novel can be purchased on line in both e-book and printed format at these fine book stores:;; (B&N); and Please visit the author’s blog to learn more about this great book and what others are saying.
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