Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Oak Hill Sailors Maintain Historical Monuments

By Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class (SW) Brian Goodwin, Commander, U.S. 2nd Fleet Public Affairs

GLOUCESTER, Mass. (NNS) -- Sailors from USS Oak Hill (LSD 51) took part in a community relations (COMREL) project by maintaining and improving the Gloucester World War II Memorial in Gloucester, Mass., June 24.

When the opportunity came for Sailors to improve a historical monument, they volunteered to make an impact in the community.

"It's so very important to do something positive no matter where we go because it helps to show the public that we want to give back to a community that welcomes us wherever we go," said Yeoman 2nd Class Michael George, from Marysville, Ohio.

The Oak Hill Sailors worked side-by-side with Gloucester's Department of Public Works (DPW), who were appreciative of the assistance.

"Whenever we have help with maintaining the area, it helps us a great deal knowing that there are those that care about these places as much as we do," said Joe Biondo, a DPW worker.

Cmdr. David Bauer, Oak Hill commanding officer, looked at the community relations project as a way for his Sailors to interact with the community.

"These kinds of events are what my Sailors need because it allows them to not only see different parts of the U.S., but teaches them different parts of our great nation's rich traditions," said Bauer.

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